Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Peace committees formed in Lalitpur

KATHMANDU, AUG.28, 2013 - Peace committees have been formed in 30 different Village Development Committees (VDCs) in Lalitpur with the objective of minimising sexual violence against women and children.

The VDCs where peace committees have been constituted are Thaiba, Lubhu, Bhattedanda, Gotikhel, Lamatar, Khokana, Manikhel, Ikudol, Sankhu, Chandanpur, Malta, Bukhel and Kaleshwar, among others.

The peace committee in each VDC comprises representatives of the major political parties, the conflict-affected people and women. There is a provision of 33 per cent representation of women on the committees.

These peace committees have been formed to minimize the sexual violence on women and children in the post-conflict period, said Radha Rupakheti, Chief of the District Women and Children's Welfare Office.


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